Introducing the 864 System project!

Nerdiness alert!

Based on a random thought by halfminofarmer (@john_errwin), and a short but interesting discussion with Saice Shoop (@SaiceShoop), I decided to document the ideas being thrown around for using a d8/d6/d4 system as a replacement for 3d6.

This sparked the creation of what I’m tentatively calling the 864 System, a set of simple RPG mechanics. The concept of adding and removing dice from actions appeals to me as an elegant mechanism. In the 864 System, the curve of probability changes dramatically as you lose or add dice.

The base idea is that entities have abilities or skills that have three ratings: high, average, or low. A high ability rolls d8 + d6 + d4. Average, d8 + d6. Low, d8. These are rolled against a target number from 1 to 20.

You can find the starting document at I want to make this a fully open source system, so feel free to become part of this and contribute! Just let me know and I’ll add you to the repo.

Hopefully this can be developed into a neat, simple, and fun system!

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