Why is playtesting so important? March 9, 2020 In this video I speak about the reason why playtesting is essential to developing a good role-playing game! Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...
52 Fates game play example February 20, 2020 This is something that will be in the next update for 52 Fates, but I thought it might be a good idea to also… Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...
Here’s why I didn’t use Kickstarter February 6, 2020 In this video I talk about my reasons for not using Kickstarter’s services. Even though everyone’s situation is different (and I think Kickstarter provides… Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...
Introducing the 864 System project! January 29, 2020 Nerdiness alert! Based on a random thought by halfminofarmer (@john_errwin), and a short but interesting discussion with Saice Shoop (@SaiceShoop), I decided to document… Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...
Progress on 52 Fates format & layout changes January 14, 2020 As I mentioned on my Twitter account (@dicepencilpaper), I decided to reformat 52 Fates from the original 6″ x 9″ size to letter (8.5″… Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...
How to make your own RPG zine free with Google Docs January 8, 2020 I’ve received encouraging comments about my zines for 52 Fates and Perilous Ventures, so I want to share how you can make similar documents… Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...
New free adventure zine for 52 Fates January 7, 2020 I created this free adventure zine as a promotional item to give away at PAX South 2019, together with a copy of the 52… Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...
Having two resolution mechanics in the same RPG? December 28, 2019 As some of you know, I have two tabletop role-playing systems: 52 Fates, which uses playing cards for its mechanics, and Perilous Ventures, which… Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...
On adding a rogue-like class to 52 Fates November 16, 2019 The way that a rogue-type character works doesn’t fit well with the proactive mechanics of 52 Fates, where the card suit played determines an… Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...
Inking dice… without ink! October 19, 2019 Let’s take a look at an old-school way to ink your dice with no ink! It’s dirt-cheap, really easy, lasts for years, and yet… Share this:PostLike this:Like Loading...